Thoughtful reflections on the ever evolving street art, murals and graffiti scene in Christchurch, New Zealand
Flare Festival- A Photo Essay by Centuri Chan
Flare Festival may have come and gone, but it’s legacy lives on – an array of amazing new murals and a bolt of energy in the local urban art scene putting graffiti and street art back in the limelight. The flurry of activity that saw a pop-up gallery, guided tours, panel talks, mural painting, graffiti jams and live painting sessions was a lot to take in – luckily we had our man, Centuri Chan, on hand to capture some of the magic…
Ikarus DTR at work
Kophie’s blockbuster WIP
Jessie Rawcliffe painting at the BOXed Quarter Wahine Takeover…
MKA Artist at work in the BOXed Quarter
Koryu takes on the festival’s biggest wall
Wongi Wilson working at heights
Palmerston North’s Swiftmantis works on the stunning feline portrait Olive
Dcypher X Dr Suits X Ghostcat – Make Art Not War
Jen Heads at the BOXed Quarter
Elliot Francis Stewart’s amazing work meant the festyival lasted even longer
Ikarus’ graffiti game played through the levels of the culture
Kophie’s massive Hip Hop tribute was a highlight
The graffiti jam behind Smash Palace
Wongi’s explosive new work
Olive surveys her new domain
Jessie Rawcliffe’s striking work
Koryu massive mural
Kell Sunshine’s burst of colour
Centuri Chan is an Otautahi-based creative, photographer, tour guide, designer and LEGO builder…
Reuben is an art historian, writer and curator. His PhD thesis explored graffiti and street art within post-earthquake Christchurch. He also serves as creative director and lead tour guide for Watch This Space.
View all posts by Reuben Woods